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Centrifugal casts

Tel.: +420 558 601 111
Fax: +420 558 601 345

We produce centrifugal casts from stainless steels, special cast irons, alloyed steels and non-ferrous metals. Our typical products are cylinders, rings, tubes, and others. Centrifugal casts have a maximum diameter of 1000 mm and a length of 4000 mm. The minimum hole diameter is 100 mm.

Company Head Office:

VÚHŽ a.s.
Dobrá 240
739 51

Czech Republic
VÚHŽ a.s.


Electromagnetic Mold Level Sensors, Single-purpose machines, Special rolled sections, Centrifugal casts, Tool shop, Coating of tools by PVD, PACVD and CVD technologies, Material tests, Anodization AMS 2488