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Sofa Design s. r. o.

Tel.: +420 465 472 774
Fax: +420 465 471 190
GSM: +420 776 612 513


Production of upholstered seating furniture to order from the classics to modern. Choice from more than 60 models in different designs and combinations. Wide choice of upholstering from the Czech producers and from foreign suppliers. You can also provide your own cover material.

Company Head Office: Sofa Design s. r. o.

Sofa Design s. r. o.
Podskalí 78
128 00

Czech Republic

Products Sofa Design s. r. o.:

Upholstered wing chairs
We produce and sell upholstered wing chairs. For our upholstered wing chairs we offer a wide selection of upholstery, ...

Upholstered sofas
Upholstered sofas – custom-made production and sale of upholstered sofas from classical to modern. We will produce ...

Upholstered seating furniture
We produce and sell upholstered seating furniture. Upholstered seating furniture and produce custom-made for hotels and ...

Sofa Design s. r. o. Sofa Design s. r. o. Sofa Design s. r. o.