CzechTrade English

Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s.

Tel.: +420 582 301 315
Fax: +420 582 301 301


Since 1518 we have been manufacturing and selling the following range of alcoholic beverages/spirits: vodkas, Absinth, fruit distillates, fruit or herbal liquors, emulsion spirits, bitter specialties, herbal re-distillates.

Company Head Office: Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s.

Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s.
Dykova 8
794 97

Czech Republic

Products Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s.:

Vodkas: The basis is a simple mixture of quality alcohol with distilled water. The quality of vodka is given by the ...

Liqueurs: Something interesting with alcohol but always sweet. We make fruit, herbal, honey, almond liqueurs, liqueurs ...

Absinth – a mystical as well as damned beverage. Absinth contains sagebrush serving as a symbol of bitterness since the ...

Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s. Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s. Palírna u Zeleného stromu - Starorežná Prostějov, a.s.