CzechTrade English


Tel.: +420 389 016 111
Fax: +420 389 016 330

We are engaged in manufacturing and sale of gray and ductile cast iron parts and making of patterns for our own use. We continue in the more than one hundred years' tradition of grey iron casting in Ceske Budejovice, iron was cast in the premises of the plant as early as in 1899.

Company Head Office:

MOTOR JIKOV Group a.s.
Kněžskodvorská 2277/26
České Budějovice
370 04

Czech Republic
MOTOR JIKOV Group a.s.


CNG - filling equipment, Single-purpose machines, CNC cutting, Melting, Cast iron, Ductile cast iron, Foundry plants, Drum mowers, Lawn mowers, Garden mowers, Mulching mowers, Aluminium alloys, Zinc alloys, Mountfield mowers, Grey iron castings, Pressure die casting moulds, Castings