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Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o.

Tel.: +420 222 232 448
Fax: +420 222 231 662
GSM: +420 602 459 216


A brewery with a restaurant. Own brewery: a yeast non-filtered light and dark lager 11° beer. 340 seats in attractive premises. Tour of the premises including specialist commentary. Excellent typical Czech as well as international cuisines. Beer evenings with live music.

Company Head Office: Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o.

Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o.
Vodičkova 20
Praha 1
110 00

Czech Republic

Products Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o.:

Czech brewery in Prague
The first New Town restaurant brewery - Czech brewery in Prague. Our Czech brewery in Prague has its own production of ...

Czech restaurant in Prague
První Novoměstský restaurační pivovar: a Czech restaurant in Prague. Our Czech restaurant in Prague has available its ...

Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o. Novoměstský pivovar spol. s r.o.